7. Something Old, Something New
Season 4 Episode 20
Private Practice can’t just have a typical wedding episode, can they? Pete and Violet’s wedding was rushed and Maya’s wedding was unwanted. Why should Cooper and Charlotte’s be any different.
Wedding’s are supposed to be happy right? This one was anything but. Violet was under investigation for her book and while they were looking at her, they started looking at the whole practice. Addison is trying to think about what is right for the practice, while Cooper and Pete are trying to stick up for Violet. No one is getting along. Not exactly a good atmosphere to have a wedding in.
If that isn’t enough, Cooper and Charlotte’s parents do not want them to get married and try to split them up. Obviously they don’t know much about Charlotte and Cooper, because they are perfect for each other.
The beginning of the episode freaked me out the first time I watched it. Cooper see’s Charlotte in her wedding dress and says that this is a mistake. I thought they were going to break-up, instead they head to Vegas so they can get married with out all the drama and tension. I think that was very good idea. It’s supposed to be the happiest day of their lives and if they went through with their original wedding, it would not have been their perfect day.
Here are some pictures from the episode:
Also check out My Favorite Private Practice Episodes: Episode 8, Episode 9, Episode 10
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