We don’t get too much time with Baby in a typical episode, even if she is a character of the show. This week we got to spend the entire episode from Baby’s point of view and it was amazing!
Baby got just as beaten up as the boys did. Cass can fix up Sam and Dean, but it’s going to take a little bit more to fix up her.
We’ve had a lot of intense episodes lately and it was nice to have a fun one. I always like the fun episodes, especially when the turn into something that has to do with the over all theme of the season.
Before they got their own lair, they basically lived out of their car, not that we saw too much of that. Now we really know what living out of your car looks like.
Isn’t it usually Dean who hooks up with the ladies? I never thought we’d catch Sam in the back seat with a girl. Maybe Dean’s right, he deserves it. He did just almost died again. He deserves some fun too. He’s always doing the research.
Cass also deserves some fun. He got introduced to the world of Netflix and got sucked in. Who would have guessed that Sam had Nexflix, when does he have time for binge watching TV shows?
Does anyone think that Dean should have wiped off the blood from Baby? I mean if they passed a police officer, I’m sure they would get stopped.
Plus why was Sam stopping to flirt with the girl? That’s usually Dean’s duty to get distracted by the girl. I feel like we’re living in a parallel universe where Sam and Dean have switched places.
How many times did you say ‘oh Baby’ in this episode? There was so many times when Baby was getting beaten badly, but she helped defeat the enemy in the end with things that people left behind and her own door!
While things were a little more lighthearted this week, the Darkness was still very much there. As Sam said, the monsters are scared of the Darkness. No wonder Crowley is trying to get her on their side.
Who sent Sam that message? Was it God or could it be Lucifer? I don’t believe it’s just a side effect from being infected, I think it was really a message. But we already knew that the Winchesters were the only ones able to stop it. They just need to know how to do it.
They wanted a run of the mill case to work on and they got more than they bargained for. They thought it would be nothing and they all got pretty badly beaten.
It’s almost funny how they all ended up so beaten up, but it was still such a lighthearted episode. You weren’t panicking about the boys, more about Baby than the boys.
This was definitely one of Supernatural‘s best episodes. It was a great tribute to Baby.