This show is just so much fun and it has a lot of heart and girl power.
I loved how when Cat asked Supergirl if she wanted to start a family, she said her cousin never gets asked those questions. It was a major slip, because she just gave Cat a great exclusive, but it was feminism at it’s best.
Clearly this show is geared towards the females. Not saying that guys won’t love this show too, but it’s not your typical superhero show and there are a lot to choose from on TV at the moment. For one, you could be watching Gotham at the same time. Gotham is clearly more for the male demographic though.
One of the best this week was when Supergirl was able to defeat a villain that Superman could not. She had help from her sister and the DEO, but she did say she doesn’t want to do it alone.
So why did she get so mad when her cousin had to come and save her? I get that she doesn’t want to have to rely on him, but sometimes we all need help, even Supergirl.
Kara really had a hard time finding her way this week, but she started to in the end. She’s still a work in progress, like we all are. What’s so great about this superhero is that she’s so relatable. We understand what she’s going through, even if we don’t have superhuman powers like she does.
Apparently, Supergirl took a hit in the ratings last week with no Big Bang Theory lead in. I think having strong male characters will help with the ratings. You can still have all the girl power with strong male characters too.
If you look at Madam Secretary, Elizabeth is clearly the leading role, but her husband, Henry, has a really strong role too. They are solid together and they both have important jobs.
James clearly has a lot of potential and this week he put himself in harms way to help Kara. It’s great start to building his character.
Winn is also very funny and the writers can do a lot with him too.
Maxwell Lord just got introduced and could be a great counter character for Cat. She clearly has distain for him.
The girl power on this show is great, but the writers can utilize some of the male characters more. I kept writing about more strong female characters and now I’m writing for the opposite, but I just want this show to be a well rounded, strong show.
Can Supergirl have it all?