Dig didn’t quite have the same reaction of discovering his brother was still alive. He was so angry at his brother. Oliver is no stranger to coming back from the dead and helped Dig come to terms with it.
Nothing is ever as it seems on this show. I mean Oliver didn’t spend his five years away on an island, well not all of them. We’re still discovering what happened to him in those fives years. What happens when we come full circle? Is that the end?
Okay, getting ahead of myself there. What’s more pressing right now is who dies in this season and we’re not there yet either.
It was refreshing that Dig wasn’t in a rush to save his brother. That’s been the usual response to a family member coming back from the dead. There are of course a ton of other emotions that come with discovering your loved one is still alive, at least that’s how it appears.
Dig has searched for answers about his brother for years and just when he thought he found them, those answers were completely changed and brought new questions.
I’m happy that Dig and Oliver have made up and even happier that Dig considers Oliver his brother. This is what the team was built on. They are going to need this renewed bond to fight Damien Darhk.
It makes more sense why these men are so loyal to Darhk. It’s kind of funny that the city named them ghosts when they are ghosts of themselves. They are just loyal to Darhk now. So when they volunteer for him, do they fake their death? Is that how Andy got involved?
Oliver made a bold move by declaring war on Darhk and it looks like Darhk was not expecting it. Maybe Oliver running for mayor wasn’t such a crazy idea. The city doesn’t need a politician, it needs a hero.
Ever sine Oliver brought Thea back from the brink of death, she’s been a very interesting character. She’s fighting this blood lust and I actually thought she had a handle of it. She could have killed one of the ghosts, but she didn’t. Then she lost her temper at a disgusting guy hitting on her. Why can’t boys just take a no as a no? Well maybe he will from now on.
I don’t blame her for losing it on him. I mean when we say no, we mean no and that means you should walk away. Clearly none of this is the point of the scene, but I actually think the jerk deserved it.
There may be hope for her. There’s something magical that can take away her blood lust. This makes twice that Damien was surprised in this episode. He couldn’t do his magical choke thing on her and it even sent something through him. The benefit for Thea was it took away her blood lust.
Whatever this magical cure is, I think she should talk to Oliver. He saw things on that island that we haven’t learned about yet and could be the key to saving her. Everything seems to come back to that island. Well it did have a big part in making Oliver the man he is today.
Team Arrow is taking a break for Thanksgiving, but they will be joining forces with The Flash for a crossover on December 1 and 2.