I say let Penguin take out Theo. That takes care Theo, saves the city for now and gives Penguin his revenge, because who doesn’t want to see Oswald avenge his mother?
Bruce really grew up in this episode, of course his deception had the help of Selina. I was really worried for Bruce and Silver, but it was all part of the master plan and it may have worked. That is if she gave them the right name. Did Theo give her the right name?
Bruce has bigger problems at the moment. Theo has come to kill him and he has no one protecting him. Oswald needs to help Gordon fill in the blanks so they can both go and save Bruce.
I think next time Bruce comes up with a master scheme, he should let Alfred in on it. At very least leave a note. He should have known Alfred would go looking for him.
Now Alfred has been stabbed twice and he’s lying in the back of dumpster, unable to save Bruce from his current predicament. I’m only slightly worried for him. Alfred has a long life ahead of him, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like the mess he’s in.
Three characters are in danger right now, but all three characters will be here long after that, so we’re nervous, but we know somehow they will make it through.
Gordon needs to control his temper. He’s got a great gut that doesn’t seem to fail him, but he can’t keep letting his emotions get the better of him. That makes him very easy pickins.
Saving Gotham is very personal to Gordon, so he lets his emotions get the better of him at times. As frustrating as it is to see Theo get off for all the horrible things he’s done, lashing out in a court room is not going get the job done.
We saw very little of Nygma and Oswald, but their bromance is still going strong. Penguin doesn’t look like the easiest guy to live with. I guess we can’t have them be the center every week, but its nice to get a glimpse of our new bromance.
The fall finale is next week and Jim and Oswald are teaming up! It’s an early Christmas present just for us.