Gordon has been pushing boundaries all season, but he had yet to cross the line, until now.
I was actually surprised that Gordon shot Theo. I mean it seemed like he would, but for some reason when that shot went off, I was shocked.
He was once ordered to kill Penguin and now he’s killing a man with Penguin. Things have really changed.
Once Lee finds out what Jim did, will she accept his proposal? This may be what leads to their end.
Bruce may have a lot growing and learning to do, but he has learned. He saw through Silver. I think between him seeing through her and how brave he was, it made her fall for him. By the end she didn’t want him to die and her one last call to stop it was just enough time for Gordon, Alfred, and Penguin’s gang to come in.
Bruce had some great scenes. He was strong all the way to the end. Did he know Gordon and Alfred would come for him? He may have and that’s why he was so brave.
We haven’t seen as much of Harvey this season and that really is a shame. He was great in this episode. He kept fighting the good fight against Theo and as soon as he knew Bruce and Alfred were missing, he was looking for them too. He went outside of the law with his partner to take down their enemy, but when the mayor is the enemy, can you really go by the law?
I just loved when Harvey got there at the last minute and then said that was a lot of stairs.
I also loved that Selina helped save her friend. Alfred may not trust her, but she always has Bruce’s back.
My one complaint would be I would have liked to seen a little more of Ed. What we did see of him he was great. He was sining with Oswald, he told Lee where to find Gordon and he even helped Fox, Alfred and Harvey, but that wasn’t completely intentional.
We didn’t get too many cliffhangers, but I’m so happy that generations old feud is done. I was never a fan of that, but I do like what it has done for Gordon’s character. We are seeing a lot of layers from him this season.
We will have to wait to hear Lee’s answer when we get back from the break. We also have a new villain, instead of a fire, this time it’s ice. I don’t read the comics, so I don’t know what villain this is.