It’s hard to say what was the most shocking thing that happened in the summer finale and it all happened in the last ten minutes.
Hanna’s actions caused a domino effect of very bad consequences. She was just so convinced that Noel was A.D. Not only was Noel not A.D., he isn’t even Mary’s child.
We did get to see a glimpse of who A.D. is, well he/she was in a hoodie. My mind is racing of who this person could possibly be. It’s not Jenna since A.D. took Jenna in the end.
We were told we were going to get a lot of deaths this season but I never imagined Noel’s head coming off. These Liars are just killing off their enemies, accidentally, but still. As shocked as I was, it was hard to feel sad for him considering they were probably going to kill the Liars anyways, so serves him right for thinking he could best the girls.
I thought Noel’s head coming off would be the most shocking thing but the hits kept coming. Spencer was shot! I thought Jenna shot her but Jenna asked A.D. if he/she shot Spencer. I’m very confused about what happened there. It doesn’t matter who shot Spencer, we don’t even know if she is okay. The last we saw of her was closing her eyes. They can’t possibly kill off Spencer this early.
She’s still on set in Snapchats and Instagram posts, so we can hopefully assume that she will be fine, but we have to wait until April to know for sure. It’s going to be a long six months.
While her fate is a mystery, so is Toby’s. The last we see of him, he’s unconscious in his car after a car crash with Yvonne. Did A.D. do that or was it just an accident?
If Spencer getting shot wasn’t enough, we find out Mary is her mother. When Spencer was looking at old family photos I had a feeling that Mary might be her mother. The Hastings have so many secrets. As shocking as this reveal was supposed to be, I already saw it coming.
Before all of this went down, Nicole was found alive and Aria saw Ezra kissing her. It was heartbreaking. On the one hand, it’s just a kiss of happiness that she’s actually alive, but what does this mean for Ezria? I don’t want this to be the end of them. Another thing we have to wait six months to find out about.
We did have some good moments in this episode. Haleb was finally reunited! We’ve been waiting a long time for this. Caleb finally came to his senses. It was a rare moment of happiness in an otherwise very dark episode.
Spoby also had a heartbreaking goodbye kiss and Toby almost texted her before he left. Clearly, that kiss sparked something in him. If he’s okay, maybe this will lead them back together.
We also got Mona back in action. She was helping the Liars, Hanna and teamed up with Caleb again. We couldn’t have our last ever summer finale without Mona in the mix. If you are going to scheme against ‘A’, it’s always best to have Mona by your side.