10. The Return of the King
Season 5 Episode 24
Season finales are always good in the Upper East Side. You’ve got the scheming, you’ve got the life choices and cliff hangers to drive us crazy over the summer.
Serena and Blair’s friendship has gone up and down since the beginning, but it certainly came crashing down on this episode.
Serena was going down a bad path when she became the stand-in Gossip Girl and even after the real Gossip Girl took back over, the consequences of her actions were still happening. I’m not sure why Serena thought digitalizing Blair’s dairy was a good idea, even if it was only so she felt like she could use it.
So the Serena vs. Blair war picks up again and there was casualties.
Serena tricked Dan into thinking Blair chose Chuck, which she did in the end, but hadn’t at that point. Dan and Serena slept together at the Sheppard’s divorce party. Are you feeling a little deja vu yet? If not you will. Serena even taped them. When Dan found out what she did he was furious and never wanted to see her again.
Serena ended up back to her old ways with a vile of cocaine, on a train on her way out of town with a boy. Feeling that deja vu yet? With only one more season after this one, this episode was a great way to lead to the final chapter.
Bart is also back and manipulating people. He manipulated his way back into Lily’s life and Chuck out of the company.
If that wasn’t enough, Lola and Ivy are scheming to take down Lily.
And Blair finds her way back to Chuck. This episode has all the Gossip Girl elements we love.
Here’s a clip of the end of the Season five finale that set us on the path for the final season: