Supernatural knows how to do funny and very, very well.
Murders dealing with loony toon cartoons was a great idea.
Things have been pretty intense this season with the back story of Dean in purgatory, Sam and his year and now with heaven having control over Cass. I think it was time for a funny episode.
It was also interesting that the person causing the chaos was also a victim. It was even more interesting that Sam and Dean knew him.
Most people don’t understand special abilities like Jones has. I think I could see many people using him for bad. I don’t know if Jones should have killed him though.
This was a funny episode, but we also had flashback of Sam’s year.
I think we finally know why he left. Her husband was still alive. It doesn’t explain why he ended up back at Bobby’s or why he left during the night though, but we are getting closer to what happened.
I think her father was right. That they were both holding on to each other. I think they both wanted it to be real, but it just wasn’t.
When did Sam realize it wasn’t real?
What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.