This week Jim and Harvey took a little field trip, and it was great to see what’s…
0March 1, 2018
‘Gotham’ Review: Reunited
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen our beloved characters of Gotham and this episode was…
0December 7, 2017
‘Gotham’ Review: Can Jim Redeem Himself?
Gotham is always good with the surprises but the writers outdid themselves in the mid-season finale. It…
0September 23, 2017
Tribeca TV Festival: Your Fave ‘Ships of ‘Gotham’ Are in for a Tough Season
Season four of Gotham may have started out not looking too much different from the other seasons…
021 September 2017
‘Gotham’ Review: Bruce Starts His Rise
Gotham is finally back and not much has changed. Penguin is still trying to rule Gotham and…
016 May 2017
I think ‘Gotham’ is Still in Full “Mad City” Mode
A fittingly appropriate episode title for next week, “All will be Judged.” It was almost a shame that…
015 May 2017
‘Gotham’ Review: Gordon’s Inner Boy Scout Blew his Cover
I was enjoying being on the edge of my seat watching Gordon be a double agent but…