The promo for this week’s Arrow did not do it justice. This was not the episode I…
027 October 2018
‘Arrow’ Review: Felicity is Back in Action but the Future Looks Bleak
Last week we had an epic opening to season seven, and this week it was down to…
015 October 2018
‘Arrow’ Review: A Dark and Broken Green Arrow in the Season Premiere
If the opening scene of Arrow is any indication of how dark this season is going to…
09 November 2017
‘Arrow’ Review: How Long Until Team Arrow is Found Out?
I was really looking forward to this episode because I thought we would see Oliver back in…
0November 3, 2017
‘Arrow’ Review: Oliver Has a New Role to Play for Team Arrow
I’m still not sold on John being the Green Arrow but I really liked the new role…
012 October 2017
‘Arrow’ Review: Oliver’s Secret is Out, Now What?
It’s been a long summer waiting to see who lived and died on the island. There were…