A fittingly appropriate episode title for next week, “All will be Judged.” It was almost a shame that…
015 May 2017
‘Gotham’ Review: Gordon’s Inner Boy Scout Blew his Cover
I was enjoying being on the edge of my seat watching Gordon be a double agent but…
02 May 2017
‘Gotham’ Promo: The Riddler is Back!
Next week the Riddler (Cory Michael Smith) is back! I can’t believe Nygma finally called himself the…
024 April 2017
Robin Lord Taylor Talks Nygmobblepot Scenes from ‘How the Riddler got his Name’
Nygma spent the entire episode trying to prove to himself that he doesn’t need Oswald to be…
022 April 2017
‘Gotham’ Cast Talks The Riddler Being Born and What’s Next
When Gotham returns on Monday, a new villain will be born. We knew Nygma was the Riddler from…