Elena has switched off her emotions and is feeding on people. She was not Elena at all. She’s been different since she turned into a vampire, but this was almost like Katherine, but worse. She seems to be smarter than everyone and no one knows how to controle her.
Will Caroline be the next to turn off her emotions? Her best friend hurt her mom and tried to kill her, and her other best friend is going down a very dangerous path. The love of her life has also left her forever. There’s only so much one person can take.
Caroline is usually so strong. It’s scarring me to see her so vulnerable, especially when Silas is lurking and we need everyone on top of their game.
Have we ever seen Klaus have sex? I don’t think we have, and Hayley of all people? I guess it’s fitting since she’s in love with Tyler and he’s in love with Caroline.
So Hayley is from a line of werewolves that Klaus knows? He owns her now.
Everything felt off during this episode. It was so different. The writers have done such a good job on this show. They’ve put so much detail in and a lot happens in every episode. This isn’t the way I expected this season to go, but I did think Elena would turn off her emotions at some point. I’m happy that she didn’t turn them back on yet. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens now that she’s turned off her emotions.
It also gives Nina Dobrev another challenge and she’s taking it on very well so far.
Things are very scary in Mistic Falls at the moment and Damon is taking Elena out of town. Elena with no emotions and Damon. That could be very bad. She will switch on her emotions again one day. Will she be able to live with everything she’s been doing?
What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.
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Also check out what TV Talkabout has to say about Elena turning off her emotions.