We always assumed that Katherine was Stefan’s first love, but he had another first love.
For the last couple of episodes The Vampire Diaries have been flashing forward, but this week it went back to its old ways, by going back in time. We got to see when Valerie and Stefan met and the little romance they had.
Lily sent Valerie to check on Stefan and this was before Valerie was a Heretic.
This was an interesting story because we not just got a look at Stefan’s first love, but we got to see how the first Heretic was created and the new enemy that we’ve yet to meet in present day.
During this episode I hated and I liked Valerie. I of course hated the fact that she took away Stefan’s virginity and was pregnant with his baby. He was almost a daddy, which is something he would have loved.
As we got to see more and more of Valerie’s story, the more I felt for her. She wasn’t supposed to fall for Stefan or get pregnant, but can we really blame her? She wanted to go back to Stefan and she was on her way too, but Julian stepped in and almost beat her to death.
Maybe Lily does have a type. She told Stefan that Julian was nothing like his father. He actually seems much worse than Mr. Salvatore. Lily just said he was the man you weren’t supposed to fall for, so of course she did.
Julian lied to Lily and said he found Valerie after she’d been mugged. The baby was dead and Valerie could never tell Lily about what happened, because then she would have to tell her what happened with Stefan.
Lily healed her with her blood, but Valerie could not live under Julian’s rule anymore, so she killed herself. She put some medicine in her tea and fell asleep in the bathtub. She woke up as a Heretic and was the first of her kind.
You could see it in his eyes when Lily asked if he was still mad and he was seen sitting at their spot thinking. There was a beautiful moment when Valerie was telling Stefan why she never came back for him, but she was cloaked.
This probably means there will be plenty more obstacles for Caroline and Stefan. One of witch is Caroline’s skin stilling being vervained. We couldn’t get anymore Steroline kisses because of this.
Damon had his own moment with one of the Heretics. He went to kidnap the Heretic to switch for Elena, but apparently he knew this one, before he was a Heretic.
Lily sent Oscar to check on Damon and stopped him from fighting for the south, which was really good, his regiment was slaughtered the next day.
It was hard not to like Oscar. He was really funny and a lot of fun.
Oscar was on a mission from Lily to find Julian, but he found him months ago and he just wants his freedom.
Damon got the swap all in motion, but Valerie killed Oscar so he couldn’t tell Lily where Julian was. If the Heretics are afraid of him, then we should definitely be afraid of him. We assumed the Heretics were our big bad this season, but there just may be something more evil out there.
Speaking of evil, the Phoenix stone is definitely evil and a lot of people are looking for it.
Bonnie is really worried about Alaric and so am I. She’s right that this is different from when they came back, they were just on the other side.
I’m wondering if the Phoenix Stone or Julian has anything to do with the future we keep seeing. This week we got to see Tyler, but it’s only because Stefan was calling him to get him to call Caroline. There is clearly a lot that happens between Caroline and Stefan in the next there years and they are not good. But that’s not the pressing matter. Stefan’s scar has opened up and he’s on the run, he burns his car and a lot of his journals. It must be pretty bad if he’s burning his prized possessions.
Who do you think has Stefan on the run and why do you think Caroline and Stefan are at such odds? Let me know in the comments below.