Whoever thought Metatron would actually give us answers. He never gives us answers. When he pretends to give us answers, he’s just messing with us.
Amara is God’s sisters and she’s here to settle an old score with her brother, but where is her brother? We haven’t seen him for a while. God left the building a long time ago and it’s not God sending Sam visions, it’s Lucifer.
I just had a thought, could it be Michael from the cage? I don’t know why either of them would help Sam, but one of them is.
Sam, Dean and Cas are up against their worst enemy yet and each of them is broken, but can you blame them, they’ve all been through a lot.
There was some major revelations this week between Sam’s visions coming from the cage and Dean not being able to kill Amara, but lets face it, those weren’t the best parts of the episodes.
I’ve enjoyed the fact that Cas has been watching Netflix the last few episodes. The angel deserves his rest, but I was super excited to see him watching TV. An angel watching TV is not something you see every day.
Then when he was watching the news he actually found Metatron! Who says watching TV doesn’t pay.
Crowley was awesome this episode. He was really taking his parenting role of Amara seriously. He grounded her and was reading parenting books. Who knew Crowley had a parental bone him, especially after knowing his mother, who clearly does not.
Crowley even admitted to his and Dean’s bromance, which was epic, but sadly that bromance is over. Crowley is back to wanting to kill Dean and he would have if Amara didn’t stop him.
Through all the funny moments we did get a nice fight scene, actually we got two happening at the same time.
Cas was beating the truth about the Darkness out of Metatron, while Sam was taking out Crowley’s cronies.
We’ve really gone back to the old days, when it was all about saving people. Sam did his best not to kill the vessel while taking out the demons. That wasn’t an easy task and he couldn’t save all of them.
I guess when you’ve saved the world a million times, you need more challenges.
In all fairness, from the beginning of this season the boys are turning over a new leaf. The are taking their jobs very seriously again. After you do anything to save each other, they are making up for it by saving people.
Amara is out in the world now, but it looks like next we’ll be taking care of something else.