I’ve heard Candice King be very candid in the past about her sex scenes with Paul Wesley and it’s almost sad that this might be the last time I hear the funny behind the scenes stories.
In this exclusive video leading up to the end, Candice and Paul reminisce about their first “lovemaking scene.” Candice had to wear a fake bra to make it look like she was topless. She wanted to make Paul feel more comfortable, so she wore little pictures of Ian Somerhalder all over her bra. That took Paul by surprise. He didn’t know what to think since at first he was trying not to stare but come on, with little Ian heads, you can’t help but stare.
It’s so sweet that Candice was the one trying to make the situation more comfortable. You would think after this scene, they might feel more comfortable about doing sex scenes. But, from the other stories I’ve heard Candice tell, not so much. The funniest one was when Caroline and Stefan both had their emotions turned off and had blood all over them. That was definitely an awkward and gross scene.
I’m going to miss Caroline and Stefan.
Check out Paul and Candice reminiscing: